Kyoto Animation directors Yasuhiro Takemoto and Futoshi Nishiya were among the 35 victims who died in the fire at the Kyoto Animation studio, Kyoto Shimbun reported on Friday.
Takemoto, age 47, was one of animation studio’s leading director who worked for a number of project, which include Lucky Star, Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and many more.
While, Nishiya, age 37, was known as the chief animation director for Free!. He was also responsible for the character design of A Silent Voice.
Takemoto and Nishiya were also amongst the 10 victims named by the Japanese police on Friday. In a statement to the local media, the identities of all 35 victims have been confirmed using DNA analysis and the police have released the 10 names with the consent of the victim’s respective families.
The remaining eight victims are veteran director Yoshiji Kigami (67) , Sachie Tsuda (41), art director Mikiko Watanbe (35), animator Jun’ichi Uda (34), production manager Keisuke Yokota (34), animator Ami Kuriki (30), Yuuki Omura (23) and Yuka Kasama (22).
On July 18, a massive fire engulfed the three-story building of Japanese anime studio Kyoto Animation, leaving 35 dead. The fire is reportedly being investigated as an arson and the suspect, who is aged 41 is already in police custody.