apologizes for Cosplay Carnival 2023 incident and announces changes for future events

Advertisement, the organizer of the recently concluded Cosplay Carnival 2023, has issued an apology for the treatment of attendees during the event.

The incident at Cosplay Carnival 2023 involved the treatment of attendees by security personnel. Reports from attendees indicate that security personnel acted in an unprofessional and rude manner towards attendees. The incident was widely shared on social media, and netizens expressed their discontent over the incident.


In response, issued a formal apology and taken full responsibility for the actions of their security personnel and stated that they are conducting an investigation into the matter to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

To ensure that future events are safe and enjoyable for everyone, has announced several changes to their event management policies. Among these changes are the designation of rest areas for attendees, better briefing for staff and security personnel on customer service, and the barring of certain individuals from future events. also plans to work with the venue, SMX, to replace the “Bawal Umupo Dito (Do Not Sit Here)” line with instructions on where attendees can sit down and rest. Additionally, the organizers are considering a solution for a Photographer’s Area that will not impede traffic.

The organizers expressed gratitude to those who came forward with detailed accounts of their experiences at the event and will be providing an online survey shortly to gather feedback on how they can continue to improve future events. has reiterated their commitment to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for all attendees and promised to take necessary measures to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.
