Netflix has announced a new anime adaptation of the popular manga “ONE PIECE”, starting from the East Blue saga, the first arc of the story. The new anime series, titled THE ONE PIECE, will be produced by WIT Studio, the animation studio behind SPY x FAMILY and Attack on Titan (Season 1-3).
THE ONE PIECE will be streamed exclusively on Netflix, as part of a major collaboration with the production committee of the original manga, composed of Shueisha, Fuji Television Network, and Toei Animation Co. The committee stated that they are excited to bring this innovative project to the fans, which will differ from the long-running TV anime series that has been airing since 1999.
The new anime series will use advanced visual technology to recreate the adventures of Luffy and his crew, as they explore the East Blue Sea, where they encounter various enemies and allies. The East Blue saga is considered to be the introduction of the main characters and the setting of the “ONE PIECE” world.
“ONE PIECE” is a manga series by Eiichiro Oda, which celebrated its 25th anniversary in July 2022. It has sold over 510 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling manga of all time. It follows the journey of Monkey D. Luffy, a young pirate who dreams of finding the legendary treasure known as One Piece and becoming the King of the Pirates.
Netflix has also been streaming the live-action ONE PIECE series, which has received positive feedback from the viewers. The new anime adaptation, THE ONE PIECE, is currently in production and will be available on Netflix soon.
See also: One Piece Film: Red Remastered coming to the PH this December