Netflix’s latest anime offering, My Oni Girl, is a youth fantasy film that delves into the themes of friendship and self-discovery. Directed by Tomotaka Shibayama of Studio Ghibli fame and produced by the acclaimed Studio Colorido, the film is set in a unique world where the boundaries between winter and summer blur.
The story centers on Hiiragi Yatsuse, a high school student who has difficulty connecting with others. His life changes when he meets Tsumugi, an oni girl on a quest to find her mother in the human world. Their meeting triggers a mysterious snowfall, signaling the start of their adventure.
My Oni Girl is part of a three-film deal between Netflix and Studio Colorido, which has garnered attention for anime hits like Penguin Highway. The voice cast features Kensho Ono as Hiiragi, who brings depth to the character’s emotional struggles, and Miyu Tomita as Tsumugi, whose performance is expected to be lively and engaging.
The film’s production team includes Shibayama, screenwriter Yuko Kakihara, and animator Masafumi Yokota, all of whom have notable credits in the anime industry. The promotional poster and teaser exhibit Yokota’s design prowess, marked by soft lines and a vibrant color scheme.
My Oni Girl is scheduled for a global release on Netflix and a theatrical premiere in Japan on May 24.
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