The highly anticipated anime adaptation of Inio Asano’s “Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction” is set to premiere on Crunchyroll worldwide on May 24. This follows the Japanese theatrical release of the two-part film, with Part 1 debuting on March 22 and Part 2 on May 24.
The 18-episode series, produced by Production +h., will feature brand new footage not seen in the films. Directed by Tomoyuki Kurokawa and written by Reiko Yoshida, the anime explores the lives of high school friends Kadode Koyama and Oran Nakagawa as they navigate adolescence amidst an alien invasion.
The series boasts a talented voice cast, including Lilas Ikuta as Kadode Koyama and ano as Oran Nakagawa. Ikuta, known for her work with the music group YOASOBI, also performs the original theme song “ZeZeZeZettai Seiiki” with ano. Supporting voice actors include Atsumi Tanezaki, Miyuri Shimabukuro, and Kenjiro Tsuda.
“Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction” has received critical acclaim, including an Eisner Award nomination in 2019 and recognition at San Diego Comic-Con in 2018. The original manga, published by Shogakukan from 2014 to 2022, has sold over three million copies.
The series premieres on Crunchyroll on May 24 at 11:00 AM PHST, with weekly episode releases across 200 countries and territories. All 12 volumes of the manga are available for purchase in the Crunchyroll Store.
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